Controlling My Back Pain NaturallyControlling My Back Pain Naturally

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Controlling My Back Pain Naturally

My father and mother both suffered from chronic back pain for the last two decades of their life. Despite assuming the problem came from their physically demanding careers, I ended up inheriting the same problem as I reached my 40s. I was afraid that my days of biking and hiking were over. I tried using typical pain relievers and rest to soothe my irritation for a few years, but the symptoms kept getting worse. Discovering chiropractic care was like turning on a light in a dark room. Now I get to enjoy all my favorite hobbies with less pain and a better range of motion.

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Spinal Decompression As A Treatment For Sciatica

If you have been living with sciatic pain, you may have tried everything, from massage therapy to pain medication. One thing you may not have tried is spinal decompression. 

Spinal decompression therapy is a treatment used by chiropractors to relieve pressure on the spine. The therapy involves stretching the spine using a machine called a decompression table or traction device, and it can be helpful for sciatica. Here's what you need to know.

Sciatic Pain Stems From Pressure on the Nerves

Sciatica is a condition that causes pain in the lower back and legs. It is caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back through the buttocks and down the legs. The pain can be mild to severe, and it may feel like a dull ache, sharp pain, or burning sensation.

Spinal decompression relieves this pressure, which can help to reduce pain and inflammation. Even a single session can allow for faster healing.

Spinal Decompression Complements Other Treatments

Spinal decompression is complemented by heat therapy, cold therapy, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound therapy. These treatments can help reduce pain and inflammation, whereas spinal decompression gets to the root of the problem by allowing more space between the vertebrae (and less pressure on your nerves).

This therapy method can also be used with massage therapy or chiropractic adjustments to help your body get into proper alignment. With improved alignment, you should see some relief on your sciatic nerve naturally.

Spinal Decompression Is a Non-Invasive Treatment for Sciatica

Spinal decompression is a non-invasive treatment, which means there are no needles or surgery involved. The therapy uses a machine to stretch the spine, but nothing is ever inserted or injected into your body. If you have been afraid of cortisone injections for nerve pain or want to avoid surgery for nerve injuries, spinal decompression can still be helpful.

Spinal Decompression Does Not Hurt

One of the benefits of spinal decompression is that it is a pain-free treatment. In fact, most people feel relief after just a few sessions. You can keep your clothes on, get comfortable, and simply let the machine and the chiropractor do the work.

If something does become painful, make sure that you tell your chiropractor right away. Dealing with the lower back can be tricky, so you don't want to test your limits. Your chiropractor can end the session and ensure that it is safe to continue with treatment.

Talk to Your Chiropractor About Spinal Decompression

If you are living with sciatic pain, spinal decompression may be a treatment worth considering. Talk to your chiropractor about whether this option is right for you. Your chiropractor will create a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

Reach out to a clinic like Roach Family Wellness to learn more.